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2023 summer collection

Silk road collection

Gold & magic is what its all about

I am a collector of stories, of beauty, of wonder and magic, of tribal esthetic.

I take all that catches my eyes and all the wonderful things my imagination offers and i craft them into pieces of jewelry. 

The jewelry are timeless, they  look ancient, sometimes futuristic, and they are all made from high quality materials such as solid gold, sterling silver, precious and semi-precious stones.

I want them to keep on existing long after im gone.. to really be timeless, to be objects that passes from one generation to another, and to be meaningfull to the one who wears them on her body.

I draw my inspiration from tribal element, ancient civilizations, archiological artifacts, spiritual symbols from around the globe, and from little simple things in my simple daily life.

"Beauty is that in the presence of which we feel more alive."

John O Donohue